We’re in the Climate Business

Solving climate change demands all hands on deck.

Innovation. Investment. Collaboration. Accountability.


Scott Henson

I have held many product leadership roles from incubation and product design, to running and optimizing businesses at scale. I have also led many strategic partnership teams focused on building healthy, thriving, and innovative application ecosystems. This work was on large-scale, commercially successful platforms including Windows, Xbox, and Fire TV.

Recently, after a great deal of research and learning, I have re-oriented my life and professional focus to address the social, environmental, and business challenges posed by the climate crisis. What do consumer products and the climate crisis have in common? Both are powered by people - our attitudes, behaviors, motivations, and values. Through this insight, I believe we can tap into the unlimited potential of humans to address these huge challenges with a sense of possibility, creating a better world for every person and every life on our planet.

I am currently focused on promoting and accelerating scientifically proven solutions to reversing the climate crisis with the goal of achieving a net negative "Drawdown" of greenhouse gas emissions as quickly and equitably as possible.


Jeff Thiel

I’m “all-in” on developing market-driven solutions to our global climate crisis. Our planet is at a turning point. We’ve driven atmospheric CO2 levels well past levels our best science deems safe for our planet. Yet, we’re still dumping billions tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year, where it will stay for a millennium.

Moving to clean energy rapidly is necessary, but not sufficient to avert catastrophic climate change. We must start removing CO2 from the air at a gigaton scale to stabilize the global climate. We must capture CO2, convert it to useful materials, and embody those materials in durable products. It's technically feasible, and necessary for human survival.

To that end, I'm investing in ventures with carbon-storing products and technologies, organizing the building industry to decarbonize faster, and advocating for a national carbon fee and dividend policy.


Andrew Himes

I’m currently Director of Collective Impact at the Carbon Leadership Forum, a program of the College of Built Environments at the University of Washington, working on collective impact initiatives to reduce embodied carbon emissions in built environments, including building materials, design, construction, and retrofits.

In 1987 I was founding editor of MacTech, still today the leading Apple technology journal, then I co-founded the Microsoft Developer Network in 1992 and led the first web development project at Microsoft in the early 90s. In 2018, I was coordinator of Carbon Smart Building Day, a conference affiliated with the Global Climate Action Summit focused on transforming the global building industry to net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

I was founding executive director for Charter for Compassion International in 2012. I authored the best-selling history block-buster, The Sword of the Lord: The Roots of Fundamentalism in an American Family, and produced the acclaimed feature-length documentary Voices in Wartime.

Climate change threatens every part of the planet. It’s a global challenge that requires global cooperation.


Theory of Change

To solve climate change, we need inspired business leaders, innovative business models, insightful policy, breakthrough collaborations, educated consumers, and products that are low-carbon or even carbon-storing.

Carbon Innovations

A social impact business consultancy focused on business-based solutions to climate change.

“We are the first generation to be able to end poverty, and the last generation that can take steps to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Future generations will judge us harshly if we fail to uphold our moral and historical respponsibilities.”

Ban Ki-moonUN Secretary-General

Ban Ki-moon

UN Secretary-General